Hello friends! Remember a few weeks ago when I told you that I was chosen to be a Shaklee 180 blogger? I’ve been kind of quiet about it since then, but Friday, marked 2 weeks that I’ve been on the program and I am starting to see some exciting results. Before I tell you those, I wanted to tell you a bit about what I’m doing.
I started out by receiving my Shaklee 180 Turnaround kit. In it, I found 2 boxes of meal replacement bars, one box of snack bars, 3 cans of Shaklee 180 Smoothie Mix in vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors, a box of Pomegranate Energizing Tea and a bottle of Metabolic Boost. I was to begin on March 1st.
My Shaklee 180 Beginnings
The plan is to use either a meal replacement bar or a smoothie for 2 meals a day and then add in snacks as needed. You then log everything you eat and keep it within a set calorie range (anywhere from 1200-2100 calories depending on your weight). I eat a healthy meal for my 3rd meal, which is usually dinner time for me.
When I began on March 1st, I was nervous. I was really worried I’d be hungry all day long. I was even more nervous to give up my soda AGAIN. It seems like every time I quit drinking it, I give up and go back to it even more than I had before.
The truth is, the first 3 days, I was VERY hungry! All. Day. Long. To top it off, I was in a super bad mood, too. I wanted to eat what I wanted to eat. The food that I was used to eating was totally controlling me. I even allowed myself a Dr. Pepper (within my calorie range), but it wasn’t good enough. I wanted more! After day 3, I suddenly began to feel more comfortable and didn’t feel like I was starving any more. I remember thinking, “Yay! Maybe I can do this program after all!!”. Suddenly it clicked and it wasn’t so hard. My body had grown accustomed to accepting way more calories than it needed, so it makes sense that it’s going to holler at me and tell me it’s not getting enough.
This is me on the day I began. As you can see, I have some middle troubles, especially the tummy!
and this is what I’d prefer to show (wishing I could take the double chin away though):
It feels weird to show you pictures of me and all my flab…..in my worst clothes, too. Actually, I’d prefer to show you a much skinnier version of that….but…..I can’t yet. 🙂 Maybe in 6 months?
A Typical Day on Shaklee 180 for Me
Wake up.
Have a glass of water.
Eat a Meal Replacement Bar.
Have a snack (Some days)
Have a Green Shaklee Smoothie for Lunch along with a salad so I feel like I’m actually eating something.
Snack (boiled eggs, fruit, almonds, etc.)
Eat a healthy dinner.
Low Cal Snack &/or Dessert if you have enough calories left (Skinny Cows are only 150 calories)
Log the day’s food in the Shaklee 180 App.
Take Metabolic Boost 3x a day (if I could only remember that many times!)
Exercise at least once each day if at all possible (still working on this one)
Drink lots and lots of water.
My 2 Week Shaklee Results
After 2 short weeks, I’ve lost: (drum roll please)
10 pounds!!! and 8.75 inches!!!
I have not exercised that much yet, so imagine how much more I will shrink once I start toning those muscles! To say that I’m happy is an understatement! I will be on this program for 6 months and I’m super excited to think about where I’ll be once 6 months have passed!
Are you trying to lose weight right now? If so, how’s it going so far?
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating. My opinions are my own.
People following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180™ Program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
Amy @ Raising Arrows says
Yay!!! Thrilled for you, Sarah! 🙂
Letitia says
AWESOME!!!!! Very Courageous for sharing pics n all. Thanks for the inspiration .
Sharla says
That's awesome Sarah! I'm super excited to keep updated with your progress. Thank you also for being willing to show the "real" pictures.
Sidetracked Sarah says
Thanks for cheering me on!! 🙂 I've done the before pictures before, but I kind of fell off the bandwagon so it felt scarier to do it again, because…..what if I fail? I feel so much more motivated this time. I think it's because I have a plan to keep me on track.
Courtney says
Congrats on the weightloss girl!!! Keep up the good work. When I started tracking my calories, I was hungry and in a horrible mood for days too. It is hard, but sounds like you've got a good thing going! I'm rooting for you on your journey. Love ya girl!
Sidetracked Sarah says
Yes, it's almost too easy now. I know when I can afford to cheat and when I can't….and it's weird. I always felt like it was a lot harder than it is this time. Thank you Shaklee!
hsmominmo says
WOOT!WOOT! good for you! I imagine as you add more exercise in you'll not only tone up and lose more inches, but you'll gain more energy too – a definite plus when you are trying to keep up with all you do everyday. I'm so excited for you! Will be praying your commitment and progress continue!
Sidetracked Sarah says
It's great to have the support. Thanks Linda! 🙂 I'm needing those prayers. I wouldn't be able to do this without God!
April says
That is awesome Sarah, Way to go girl!! I hope that your journey continues to get easy and you get more motivated to incorporate the exercise. Can't wait to see more inches and lbs lost!!
Michelle says
Now those are some great numbers Sarah! Great job staying with it. You are determined, it's not always easy to make lifestyle changes. Keep your metabolic boost out on your counter to help remind yourself to take them with each "meal", they really do help. Looking forward to your next entry of your weight loss journey on the 180! I have some smoothie recipes on my business page that you could try. 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/KampsHealthandWellness
Sidetracked Sarah says
Thank you Michelle! I will check those recipes out. I have a favorite right now that I can't seem to get away from…..but eventually I'll get bored of it I'm sure.