I know I didn’t give you a whole lot of notice, but today is the day that we start the 90 Days Through the Bible reading plan. (My kids are at least 2 weeks ahead of me!)
About 20-30 have committed to joining us! Isn’t that exciting? Of course, if you missed the first invite on Friday, it’s not too late to join us. In fact, it’s never too late to join us. All you have to do is jump in, right where you are!
What You Can Expect…….
- Obstacles – You will have times when you will miss a day, or you won’t feel like reading, etc. Work through those. If you do miss a day, don’t let guilt take over. Just realize that you missed a day and start where you left off! There are 2 free days built into your printable schedule.
- Facebook Encouragement – Each day, I will post on Facebook, asking you if you got your Bible reading in for the day. I would love it if you would check in on that post and let me know that you did and then share what you’re learning and the things that stood out to you. If you’ve decided not to commit to the 90 day reading plan, but still want to check in with us on this post because you’re reading daily, that is completely fine! We’re not an exclusive club. The goal here is to read our Bibles more AND to read the whole thing. Even if it takes a year or more.
- A Better Understanding of God and Who He is – You won’t be able to help it. You will be reading so many stories about God and his plan for our lives that you’ll have a greater understanding of who He is. How can we expect to know Him, if we aren’t in tune with what He says in His Word?
So, are you excited? Nervous? Ready? Yeah, I’m all that, too. Let’s dig in and get to reading!
(If you’ve not committed yet and want to join us, leave me a comment!)
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