Clothes. I love them, but I hate them. It’s always been that way for me. I feel the same way, if not worse, about shoes. Nothing seems to fit quite right. In fact, I have one foot that’s larger than the other one and my feet are wider than the average woman’s feet. It takes me FOREVER to find a pair of shoes that feel good.
I have tons of clothes though. You’d think that if I have tons of clothes, it would be easy for me to look nice on any given day. The truth is, a lot of my clothes don’t look nice on me at all. I’ve got numerous problems with them!
What’s Wrong with My Clothes?
- They’re too small
- They’re too big.
- The neck is too big.
- The shirt is not long enough.
- It’s too thin.
- It falls off my shoulder.
- I’m guilty of muffin top jeans if I’m not super duper careful.
I think you get the picture. It shouldn’t be this hard to look nice.
I think I’ve figured out the problem though. There’s details about getting dressed and wearing clothing that I’ve never paid attention to.
To be completely honest, I’m not really a details person. If you wear an outfit to church and then wear the same outfit for 2 days after that, I won’t notice. I might not even notice if you got a haircut, unless it’s really drastic. Did you color your hair? I probably won’t really notice that either, unless it’s purple or something really drastic once again.
So… when it comes to getting dressed and paying attention to style and what people my age are wearing, I never really cared much. After all, I’m a mom, with no extra time, plus my personality doesn’t lend itself to these details. It can take hours to try on clothes and find one outfit that fits, if I’m lucky.
Recently, I discovered a picture of me in a large group of people at a blogging function, that I didn’t know well. Everyone in the picture was looking well put together. But me? I looked like I didn’t know what I was doing. I had tennis shoes on with a nice, almost fancy, non athletic shirt and jeans. It just looked wrong and completely out of place. Of course, I was in the front of the picture, too. It looked like I was announcing to everyone that I know nothing about fashion or looking put together. But..after I saw that picture, I thought to myself, “I really should try more”.
Well, as a matter of fact, I am currently learning exactly what I should be wearing to accentuate my body, rather than stand out like a sore thumb. Who would’ve thought there’s so much to know and learn? I’m cheating though. I’m not doing hours and hours of research. My friend Kelly has put together a course for me, teaching me everything I need to know.
In the course, Kelly teaches me how and where to take measurements and figure out what my body type is. We’ve all heard of pears and apples, but there’s also people who are straight, curvy and even carrot shaped. Apparently 80% of women get their body type wrong and often times, dress in clothes that do not flatter them because of it. I am a short waisted pear shape. Now that I’m learning more about my shape, it’s becoming easier to understand what exactly I need to be buying.
So far, in addition to taking my measurements, I’ve learned about under garments, and which style of under garments I should be buying. She shows how to tell if your undergarments don’t fit right (many women don’t realize that there’s don’t!) and how to make sure you get the ones that do. I just watched the video that taught me about jeans and which style, rise, color and even pocket style I should get for my body.
I’ve not finished the whole course yet, but so far, I absolutely love all of the knowledge I’m gleaning. I’m excited about completing the rest of the modules and then seeing what I can put together as an outfit. I tend to be a bit of an under-spender, only shopping the sales racks, when it comes to buying clothes. But, if I can buy something that makes me feel that makes me feel good about myself, I think I’ll increase my budget a little.
If you struggle with putting together a nice outfit and looking put together, I highly recommend Kelly’s e-course called Adore Your Wardrobe. You will come away much more confident about the clothes you’re putting on your body AND you’ll be excited to go shopping for them again.
When you go to the course homepage, she’ll even give you one of the modules for free so you can try it out!
FREE GIFT for SidetrackedSarah Purchasers worth up to $39.90!!
The Adore Your Wardrobe course opens today, February 14th and closes on February 22nd. For anyone who purchases the course using my link, I will throw in a free gift! Once you’ve made the purchase, email me at [email protected] and let me know if you’d rather have Freezer to Slow Cooker Weeks 1-10 OR the My Weight Loss Success Plan Workbook.
I hope you’ll give it a shot…and come away the most confident decision maker in clothing, that you’ve ever seen yourself be.
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