Hello dear friends! Today marks the beginning of week 6. At the end of this week, we will be half way to our 12 week goal! I am in a slump here in weight loss land. I’m not feeling very excited about losing weight any more. It’s coming off slowly and this week, instead of losing weight, I gained a pound. 🙁 I’m trying not to be too discouraged, but I do know that there are some areas that I was slacking in this past week!
I’m still staying away from my daily soda intake and only have one or two per week, instead of the 2-3 per day that I used to have, but I’m having a very hard time eating enough fruits and vegetables. I have noticed that the weeks that I lose the most weight, I eat more fruits & vegetables. I usually even lose weight if I’m eating a few bad things, as long as I’ve eaten plenty of fruits & vegetables, too.
So…since I’m having a hard time eating enough of them, I figured we should talk about ways to make sure we’re getting them in! Please add your ideas to the bottom of the post. I need all the help I can get! If you’d like to read a post about why you should be eating your vegetables, read Eat Your Vegetables.
10 Tips to Eating More Fruits and Vegetables
1. Start your meal with a large salad. Then you won’t be as hungry and overeat your other food.
2. Eat as much salad as you do the rest of your food (this was told to us about 15 years ago by my wise grandfather. He said if you do this, you won’t gain weight. Too bad I didn’t listen! )
3. Don’t leave home without packing a nutritious snack. If you have the right “tools” with you, then you’re not nearly as likely to binge on bad things while you’re away.
4. Empty your cupboards of the junk (but don’t eat it)! If it’s not there, you won’t reach for it!
5. Stock your fridge with a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables, so you don’t get bored with your eating choices!
6. Don’t allow yourself to eat foods of less nutritional value until you’ve had all your servings of fruits and vegetables for the day.
7. Make sure you have 1-2 servings of fruits and/or vegetables at each meal. That will make it easier to get it in throughout the day.
8. Start your day with a green smoothie. Green Smoothie Girl suggests drinking 32 oz a day! I can’t seem to get that much down (or afford it for that matter), but….I do try to drink more than just a little 8 oz cup.
9. Try cutting up a bunch of veggies at the beginning of the week so that they’re easier to grab when you’re hungry or in a hurry!
10. Double up – Whatever size serving that you normally eat of vegetables, eat twice that amount.
What would you add to this list? What works for you when you’re trying to eat more fruits and vegetables?
Today, right as I got done writing the post, I realized that last week, I said that I would be providing a healthy recipe link up for you all to link up your healthy recipes! I will be adding the linky to the post first thing tomorrow as I’m having trouble with my subscription to Linky Tools. If it doesn’t work this week, we can always do it next week! 🙂
I hope you’re enjoying this series of 12 weeks of Getting Healthy & Fit! I hope you’ll check out some of the other bloggers who are sharing their journey with us as well! Click on the picture below to get a list of who they are, what they’re doing and how much they’re losing!
Linking up to: Raising Arrows Monday link up
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