We have many projects going on here at the Robinson household. I just gave birth to our 7th child 2.5 weeks ago and I’m definitely feeling ready to be back to normal again! I felt like my pregnancy was full of the brain fog that left many projects undone. I was only accomplishing the minimum. While I certainly have high hopes of accomplishing more than the minimum right now, my nursling baby is definitely in control of the situation. She’s been nursing every waking moment and very unhappy if she’s not. With that said, I can see that my brain fog is lifting and I can see so many projects around the house that we’d love to get done! In fact, because my husband is highly motivated right now, he’s doing a great job of getting many of them done while I sit in the chair nursing my little one. That’s OK though, she only stays this little for a short time.
Because I’ve been sitting in my chair so often, I’ve had plenty of time to think (between helping kids in school and answering a bazillion questions of course). I have been thinking about this for a while and I think I’m finally ready to take action.
I want to declutter!
I need to declutter!
How am I going to find the extra arms it takes to declutter though? Hmmm….
I know! I know!!
I can find 20 things to get rid of a day!!
Does that sound like a crazy goal to you? A few weeks ago, I posed this question on my Facebook Page, asking if you all would be interested in joining me for decluttering 20 items a day and some of you were all for it while others of you thought I must be nesting and/or crazy. After all, who in the world COULD get rid of 20 things every day? ME! I can. For a time anyway. Yes, I think I was nesting, so I decided to postpone that idea….but now…. I still want to do it. I seriously have so much stuff and I’m sick of managing stuff!
For the month of April, I’m going to try very hard to get rid of 20 things each day. That means by the end of the month, i could make it to the huge number of 600 items. Now that’s a lot of stuff. I’ll try to post my updates on Tuesdays, but I may check in more often on Facebook. Of course, life happens, and if I happen to miss an update, I’ll catch up with you as soon as I can!
What counts as decluttering?
While we definitely need to get rid of trash, I’m not going to count that as one of my items. Trash is easy enough to pick up and throw away. What will count for me is anything that was once useful to me or could be useful to someone else. For instance, clothes, toys, kitchenware, dvd’s, etc.
If I haven’t used it in a year or two. It should be gone.
Now, before I go and disappoint you all, please give me a little bit of grace. If I don’t manage to hit my 20 things a day mark, realize that this adorable baby could totally wreak havoc on my plans. If that happens, it’s OK. Anything that I can get rid of will be strides in the right direction, don’t you think?
I’ll be sure to share with you weekly updates AND I’ll try to share with you some of my Stop Procrastinating projects that I have coming, too. We have more projects than time and we’re really working towards improving our house this year….so I can’t wait to share what we’re doing to make it better!
Are YOU ready to take the decluttering challenge? Leave me a comment below and let me know how many things you’re going to declutter each day/week/month. PLUS, interact with me about decluttering on Facebook! START NOW!
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