Hello to all my procrastinating friends out there! (and hello to all you non-procrastinators, too….a big special thanks to you for putting up with me!)
If you’re new here, each week, we have a Stop Procrastinating Party on my Facebook Wall. During the party, we talk for a while, then we work for a while in our own homes. It’s in 15 minute increments, so for each 15 minutes of work, you get to sit for 15 minutes and talk to us on the computer (or do something else if you’d like). We start at 2:00 p.m. CT and we end at 4:00 p.m. CT. We’d love to have you join us, even if it’s just for a little while! It’s fun!!
Last week, these were my goals. It looks like I am a halfway girl. I seem to only get to half of my goals for the week. Not even that this week! I guess real life takes over and I get a little…um….dare I say….. SIDETRACKED. 🙂 Plus, I’ve got a baby and 7 year old with ear infections and a 3 year old who’s been extra grumpy lately.
Take down the Christmas Tree!Done- Take down Christmas Lights on outside of house. Still not done….but dh says I’m not allowed to turn them on any more. LOL
- Wash Mirrors in House – Mirrors still dirty, guess what’s getting moved to this week’s list?
- Wash Some Windows in House for 15 Minutes – Windows still dirty
- Organize another Bathroom Drawer – Those drawers are scary!
Tidy my Bedroom (it seems to be the dumping ground)I think this job was as big or bigger than the rest of them combined. This took way longer than 15 minutes as we removed furniture, vacuumed behind it, threw away a bunch of stuff in closets, got rid of a bunch of stuff, etc. Yeah…this was my big accomplishment of the week. I was thankful to have my husband helping me! It is a dumping ground no longer!- Tidy Pantry Shelf – Yeah….totally, not done. There’s always this week, right?
Plan One Week of Freezer to Slow Cooker MealsDone, Prepped and Loving it! You probably saw the recipes, right?
Even though I’m not getting it all done, there’s something about writing it down and checking it off. I have another list that my husband gave me to complete. It’s a secretarial type list….things like paying bills, calling people, etc. I’ve been slowly plugging away at it. It’ll feel so good to be done with it.
OK, now on to tell you all about the goals I’m going to start this week. I will only be doing each goal for 15 minutes. It is amazing how much you can get done in 15. Thank you Flylady for teaching me that! Drum roll, please.
- Wash Windows & Mirrors for 15 minutes
- Take those outside Christmas Lights down. [Do you believe that I’ll do it this week? It’s supposed to warm up over the weekend]
- Take items that need to be stored away, to the basement. [Like all the extra clothes that came out of my room that kids will be growing into]
- Switch out purse. [Talk about procrastinating….I’ve been using an old ratty purse for a while now, it’s falling apart. I have a new purse I can easily move to.]
- Declutter picture shelf by the front door [for some reason it collects clutter like crazy]
- Pick another shelf or drawer in the house to organize [I’ve got plenty that need help!]
- Help girls organize their room
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